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General Student Unrest and Protest Movement Materials, 1826 - 2000

 Sub-Group — Multiple Containers


Student Life; General; A Semester at Miami 1952, by John Wilde [bound copy] [1A-E-Shelf 5]! Reference Section In Binder

Student Life; General; Student Unrest and Protest Movement Materials; 1934-; Box 1 [3A-I-7C] Files: 1. Anti-War Flyer (1934) 2. "Mass Student Disorders and Mob Action" (April 16, 1957) 3. Employee Loyalty Oath (196-) 4. Voices of Dissent (1964-67) 5. News Clips (1965-66) 6. Human Relations Committee. Civil Liberties Board, "Definite Proposals for University Change" (1965) 7. Students to Educate and Act for Peace [STEP] (1967) "STEAP Voters Choose Pickets to Combat Napalm Manufacturer"(1967) "STEAP President Discusses Protest" 1967 Dow Chemical, Symbol of What's Bad"(1967) "Group Plans to Disobey Readies for DOW Protest" (1967) "Student Rights Issue Evolves From D" (1967) 8. News Clips (1967) 9. News Clips (1968) 10. Voices of Reason. "The University and the New Revolutionaries"(1969?) 11. Voices of Reason "The University in Time of Crisis" (September 26, 1969) 12. "The Praxis of Student Power; Strategy and Tactics" (1969?) [Distributed to the faculty with cover letter from Provost Charles Wilson] 13. New University Conference. "The Student Rebellion" (1969) [With cover note: "To those who object to the Voices of Reason Declaration -underlining added)] 14. New University Conference. Miami Chapter. "The Gentle Revolution" (1969) 15. News Clips (1969) 16. Mother Apostle Review, no. 1-2 (October , 1969) [With materials referring to alleged involvement of United Campus Ministry in its publication and in other antiwar activities] 17. Alumni Bernadine Dohrn- Weathermen Underground 18. Miami-Western Student Mobilization Committee. Oxford Free University (November 14, 1969) 19. English Department Student Attendance Survey and Correspondence (1969) [Donated by Estate of Spiro Peterson] 20. History Department - Harris Warren/John Pesda (1969-71) 21. Student Protest Flyers and Circulars (1969-72) 22. Stencils of Protest Flyers (1970?) 23. Faculty Letters, Statements and Circulars (1969-70) 24. Miami News Releases (1969-70) 25. Statements, Letters, Speeches from Miami Administrators other than President Shriver (1969-71) 26. President Shriver - Speeches and Statements (1970) 27. President Shriver - Letters/Correspondence (1970) 28. Rowan Hall Sit-In Materials Received from the Student Affairs Office (1970) I [rec'd 10/2002] 29.Remembering the Sit-In at the Naval ROTC Building Rowan Hall 30. A Report of the President's Commission to Investigate the Events of April 15, 1970 Rowan Hall (5/28/1970) 31. Rowan Hall Sit-In Materials Received from the Student Affairs Office (1970) II [rec'd 10/2002] 32. Rowan Hall Sit-In Materials Received from the Student Affairs Office (1970) III [rec'd 10/2002] 33. Credit/No Credit Option (1970) 34. "The SCAR Report: Findings of the Select Committee on the Abuse of Rights" (1970) 35. Athletic Grooming Regulations (1970?) 36. Student Senate (1970) 37. Faculty Council (1970) 38. Office of Public Information. "A Diary of Disruption: A Chronology of Events at Miami University from April 15, 1970" (1970?) 39. News Clips - Oxford Press (1970) 40. News Clips (1970) 41. Campus Unrest - Non-Miami (1970) 42. Ohio Legislative Joint Committee on Student Unrest (1970-71) [Includes typescripts of some statements by Miami students] 43. Materials on Miami University submitted to Ohio Legislative Joint Committee on Campus Unrest (1970-71) 1 44. Materials on Miami University submitted to Ohio Legislative Joint Committee on Campus Unrest (1970-71) 2 45. ROTC (1970-75) 46. Free University/Whole Life Communities (1970, 1972) 47. "What's Right? - A fact sheet prepared . . . by the Office of Public Information , , , , attempting to counter confusion" (April 1970) 48. Student-Faculty Coordinating Committee (May 1970) 49. Alternative Grading System Proposal (May 1970?) 50. "Report on the Closing of Miami University" Miami Alumnus (May 1970) 51. University Marshal Program (May 16, 1970) 52. "Report of President's Commission to Investigate Events of April 15, 1970" (May 28, 1970) 53. Chronology of Events at Miami University (June 24, 1970) 54. Ohio House Bill 1219 - To control campus disorders (June 1970) 55. News Clips (1971- ) 56. Kristen Brandon, "Rowan Hall: Symbol of an Era: Oral Interviews " (1992) 57. Rachel Weidinger, "Space to Dream Inside History: Events of Protest at Miami University, Spring 1970" (1997) 58. Uptown Oxford Disturbances (May 1998) 59. Rowan Hall Protester a 9/11 Casualty 60. Sorority Formals (2010) 61. Student Unrest (fraternities) 62. Wesley Foundation Discusses New Civil Rights Legislation 63. The Miami University Flush-In, Flush In, (April 23, 1970) 64. Didn't Like Reformatory Stay Contrite Miami Student Put On Probation, December 13, 1970 65. 62. Rowan Hall Symbol of An Era by Kristin Brandon Oral Interviews James Garrett, Sherman Jackson, Jack Kirby,Martin Miller, Victoria Nash May 8, 1992 66. "Events of the Rowan Hall Occupation, April 15, 1970," Interview with Dr. Charles Teckman and Dr. Charles Hart, with Capt. J. Maynard, October 2013 (DVD) [Drawer 10F4] 67. Rowan Hall Protest, Aprol 15, 1970

Student Life; General; Student Data; 1916-97; Box 1 [3A-K-5B] Contents: 1. Second Generation Students 1920/21-1931/32 2. Second Generation Students 1931-32 3. Second Generation Students 1938-39 4. Second Generation Students 1940/41-1945/46 5. Second Generation Students 1946-47 6. Second Generation Students 1947-48 7. Second Generation Students 1948/49-1949/50 8. Second Generation Students 1950-51 9. Second Generation Students 1951/52-1952/53 10. Second Generation Students 1953-54 11. Second Generation Students 1954-55 12. Second Generation Students 1955-56 13. Second Generation Students 1956-57 14. Second Generation Students 1957-58 15. Second Generation Students no date 16. Geographical Distribution (1916-17, 1925-26, 1933-44, 1954-57, 1961-62) 17. Religious Affiliation (1936-37, 1940, 1947-49. 1952-53) 18. Social and Economic Backgrounds (1958-59) 19. Birthplaces of Parents/Ages (1940-42) 20. Occupations of Fathers/Ages (1948-49) 21. Ages (1966) 22. Married Students (1949-50) 23. Foreign Students--Miscellaneous 24. Foreign Students in Residence at Miami University (1927-28)_ 25. Foreign Students at Miami (1948) 26. Foreign Students at Miami (1950-61) 27. Directory of International Students (1963-69) 28. International Student Directory (1973-77) 29. International Student and Faculty Directory (1997) 30. Miami Students from Thailand (1938-61)

Student Life; General; Student Life Materials; 1910-89; Box 1 [4A-B-4A] Contents: 1. All-University and Individual Greek Dance Programs (1947-48-49) [manilla envelope] 2. Racial Sensitivity on Campus: A Message from President Paul Pearson (March 1, 1989) 3. Welcome to Bishop Hall (August 11, 1967) 4. May Day (1917-58) 5. Honor Day (1966, 1969) [Replaced the traditional May Day program. Change necessitated by introduction of the Trimester calendar] 6. Parents' Weekend Brochure (October 10-12, 1980) 7. Victory Serenade Brochure (November 19, 1955)[white envelope] 8. Student Protest (1968, 1970)[See also 5R/SP Box 1, 3; 5G/FAC-C Box 1; 6P News Bureau Files: Activism, Voices of Dissent; Vertical file: Student Activism; Voices of Dissent] 9. Student Songs and Music [formerly 50 PSM] 10. Miami University Songs. Published by the Miami University Alumni Association (n.d.) 11. Miami University Songs. Women's League (1935) 12. A Hymn to Miami University. By John R. Simpson, Miami '99 13. Miami Songs Brochure (n.d.) 14. Miami Pep Song. Manuscript purportedly written by Fred Waring 15. Miami Dynamite for Live Rooters Brochure. Used during football game [1911] 16. Miami University Song Book. "Crimson and White." Edited by Raymond H. Burke. (1910)[Bound volume] 17. Hymns of Worship and Service. College Edition. New York: Century Company, 1912 [Bound volume] 18. May Day Program L'Heure Attendue presented by Freshmen Women of Miami University Class of 1954

Student Life; General; Student Life Protest Movement Materials; 1960-75; Box 1 [3A-N-1A] Contents: 1. Mandala: February 15, 1970 2. Praxis (4 editions, undated) 3. Gentle Revolution, 1969 4. Boycott Dean Movement Materials 5. High Street Newspapers- January 25, 1973, January 29, 1973, February 5, 1973, March 5, 1973, April 1, 1973 6. Strike Materials, April 15, 1970 7. Strike Materials, undated 8. Report to the Senate Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities 9. The University and New Revolutionaries


  • Creation: 1826 - 2000

Conditions Governing Access

Materials do not circulate and are made available to users in the Miami University Archives.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials do circulate and may only be used in the archives.


1 Volumes

3 Boxes

Language of Materials
